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Parenting May Be the Toughest Job on the Planet -

It does not come with a resource guide or operations manual. However, the worksheets and articles below include helpful information that I often reference in sessions.

Peaceful Parenting Utilizing self-control and emotional regulation as a key to parenting.

Help children control emotions and resist impulsive behavior

Why traditional discipline is not effective

Understanding and implementing the most effective style of parenting.

Understand the significance of partnership in those caring for your children.

New report calls for stronger federal food safety requirements and outlines ways families can limit exposure to chemicals used to process, package and preserve everyday foods that aren’t adequately proven safe.

Strategies to help parents resolve differences, align perspectives, and implement successful parenting techniques.

Techniques to help parent a child with ADD or ADHD. Source:

Understand how to utilize rewards and punishments for children. Source:

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