Food, Nutrition, and Recipes
You Are What You Eat - The following links are for articles explaining how food and nutrition affect our brain, bodies, mood, and coping....

Yoga and Physical Activity
I always say that exercise is the best medicine - In addition to physical benefits, exercise has many mental and emotional benefits. ...

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Relaxation
Be Here Now - Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
If You Change Nothing, Nothing Will Change - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is defined as a psychosocial intervention that is the most...

Parenting May Be the Toughest Job on the Planet - It does not come with a resource guide or operations manual. However, the worksheets...

Positive Psychology and Self-Care
Changing Your Perspective - Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to...

Knowledge is Power - These educational materials are provided for the purpose of learning, having a better understanding, and empowering...

Communication Skills and Resources
Communication as a Foundation - Listed below are concepts and techniques that are frequently referenced in therapy sessions with links to...